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St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai

Choondacherry P.O, Palai, Kottayam 686 579, Kerala, India.

Library and Information Division

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ഞാൻ ഒരു പടയാളിയാണ്. സമാധാനത്തിന്റെ പടയാളി. ~ മഹാത്മാ ഗാന്ധി

Welcome to the Library and Information Division of SJCET Palai

Established in 2002, the library serves as a knowledge hub, offering resources in both print and electronic formats. Students and faculty have access to a vast repository of materials, including books, journals, and e-resources.

The library plays a pivotal role in the academic endeavors of the institution, reflecting the quality of education imparted by the college. Recognizing this significance, SJCET has continually enhanced its library facilities to foster an academic environment conducive to learning.

Our Memberships and Resources:

  • Member of the National Library Network (DELNET)
  • Access to NPTEL and NDLI resources
  • Extensive collection of books, journals, magazines, digital materials, and e-journals

Access to these resources is exclusively available to library members. The library's reading space accommodates over 200 users, creating a comfortable and quiet study environment.

Library functions such as acquisition, circulation, and cataloging are fully automated using KOHA, an Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) with a Web OPAC interface, ensuring efficient and user-friendly operations.


Library Resources

The College boasts a spacious and modern Central Library spanning a total floor area of 1088 sq.m., designed to combine aesthetics with functionality. The library houses an extensive collection of more than 63,950 documents, including:

  • Technical Books
  • E-books
  • Full-text e-resources
  • Bibliographic databases
  • Print and online journals
  • Digital resources and standards
  • Back volumes of journals
SJCET Library Interior

The library subscribes to over 110 printed journals and technical magazines and follows an open access system, allowing users to browse and select materials directly. Additionally, e-books and e-journals are available to cater to diverse academic and research needs.

Library Features:

  • Research Scholars’ Cubicle
  • Stack Section
  • Reference Section
  • Circulation Section
  • Computers and peripherals connected in LAN
  • Photocopier for printouts and copies
SJCET Library Resources

The library is fully automated, ensuring seamless operations and efficient access to resources. It serves as a cornerstone of academic and research activities, fostering an environment of learning and innovation.

Log in to your account:
Log in with your username and password to view your personal and library details, fines, and other transactions. The username is your full name without spaces (lowercase), and the password is the last four digits of your card number. Change your default password after the first login.

Username: aruntk
Password: 1234
Rules & Regulations (Coming Soon)
Services at the Library (Coming Soon)
E-Resources (Coming Soon)
About Us (Coming Soon)
Membership Benefits
Category Books Days
Under Graduate 6 15
Post Graduate 6 15
Teaching Staff 6 30
Non-Teaching Staff 3 30
Department Library 500 365
Head of the Department 10 60
Research Scholar 12 30
Top Management 15 90

OPAC powered by Koha – the world’s first free and open-source library management system.
Maintained by Kochi Digital, handling cloud server installation and technical maintenance.
For support, contact our library staff:

Mr. Justine Thomas

Mr. Justine Thomas

Librarian (Gr. I)


Phone: +91 94476 94464

Mr. Centil Jose

Mr. Centil Jose

Librarian (Gr. II)

Phone: +91 94964 64673

Mr. Geo Mathew

Mr. Geo Mathew

Librarian (Gr. III)

Phone: +91 94477 63627

Mr. Sibin Sebastian

Mr. Sibin Sebastian

Librarian (Gr. III)


Phone: +91 88934 36127

Library Contact:
Address: Librarian, Library & Information Division,
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology, Palai, Choondacherry PO, Plassanal (Via), Kottayam PIN – 686 579, Kerala.
Phone: 04822 – 239 825 (Ext. 825)
Mobile: +91 94476 94464

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