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St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai

Choondacherry P.O, Palai, Kottayam 686 579, Kerala, India.

Library and Information Division

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OPAC powered by Koha – the world’s first free and open-source library management system.
Maintained by Kochi Digital, handling cloud server installation and technical maintenance.
For support, contact our library staff:

Mr. Justine Thomas

Mr. Justine Thomas

Librarian (Gr. I)


Phone: +91 94476 94464

Mr. Centil Jose

Mr. Centil Jose

Librarian (Gr. II)

Phone: +91 94964 64673

Mr. Geo Mathew

Mr. Geo Mathew

Librarian (Gr. III)

Phone: +91 94477 63627

Mr. Sibin Sebastian

Mr. Sibin Sebastian

Librarian (Gr. III)


Phone: +91 88934 36127

Library Contact:
Address: Librarian, Library & Information Division,
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology, Palai, Choondacherry PO, Plassanal (Via), Kottayam PIN – 686 579, Kerala.
Phone: 04822 – 239 825 (Ext. 825)
Mobile: +91 94476 94464

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